Are you seeing credit card debt on your credit report and want it removed? We can help by providing quick and efficient debt repair solutions.
Do you have a foreclosure on your credit report that you want to be removed? We can help by providing fast and friendly debt repair solutions to residents all over the US.
Do you have student loan debt on your credit report that’s holding you back? We can help by applying fast and efficient debt repair solutions.
Online Client Portal Access
Unlimited Bureau Disputes
Unlimited Creditor Disputes
Unlimited Collection Disputes
Unlimited Inquiry Removal
Unlimited Rapid Rescoring
Good Credit Assistance
Our signature monthly program is designed for clients with more than ten erroneous items on their credit report. We do all of the disputing for you, helping update all negative items on your credit report.
Are Credit Inquiries keeping your score low? Our debt consultants will dispute your credit inquiries quickly so you can get fast results. You pay per inquiry we dispute on your behalf.
For a faster process, our program includes our Debt Repair Specialists disputing the negatives on your credit report all at once.
“I just wanna take a second to thank you for helping me. I couldn’t have done it myself.
”Kentrale Bridgers
A legit credit repair company that helps people to fix their credit report. I saw credit score improvement results within 30 days here.
Jane Quinagon
I recommend Jax Credit Services for credit repair service. I recommend this corporation to anybody. This is better than credit karma because not only do they tell you about your credit score, but they also help automatically. I give this all five stars!
Chasiti Snead
Yesterday! That answer really depends on your personal goals. Whatever your personal credit and financial goals are, it’s important to remember that credit repair is not an overnight “quick-fix” and takes time. Many people can start to see an increase in their score in as little as 30 days but the process of going from bad credit to good credit typically takes much longer. Your score didn’t get bad overnight and it doesn’t improve that way either.
Credit affects every area of life. When your credit is bad, it follows that your life may face similar hardships in the areas of.
Make no mistake-bad credit comes at a cost. Credit affects every area of your life, from your ability to buy a house to the way potential employers view your application. Those living with bad credit understand the challenges it causes.
There is no fast and easy answer to this question. The time it takes to repair your credit is completely dependent upon your personal situation.
We are here for you throughout your credit-repair experience. You can always email us with any questions you have. We’ll get back to you promptly so that you can always keep moving forward.
Checking your own credit report won’t hurt your scores. Credit inquiries are defined as either hard or soft inquiries. Reviewing your own credit report is considered a soft inquiry, and soft inquiries don’t hurt your scores. Checking your credit report at least once a year allows you to identify any mistakes and helps you manage your personal finances.
Understanding the components that makeup credit scores can help you wisely manage your credit decisions. To see how it all breaks down, here’s an example of how scores are calculated with a popular algorithm. Your payment history makes up 35% of your score, while the amount you owe lenders represents 30%. The length of your credit history contributes 15%, and the types of credit accounts you maintain comprise 10%. Finally, new credit accounts are responsible for 10%. All of these values are then broken down into a credit score, which ranges between 300 and 850—the higher the number the better.
To serve our members honestly with their best interests in mind. To provide a high quality and smooth credit repair process via education, communication, and relationship building.
Phone Number: (833) 453-0444
Fax Number: (904) 990-5886
Local Number: (904) 878-0198
Jacksonville, Florida